Cryptocurrency and how does it work
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Cryptocurrency is electronic currency that is alternate of paper Money. The efforts of introducing the cryptocurrency were initiated in the 90s but the response was not fruitful at that time. There are several reasons for its failure, which include fraud, financial issues, and conflicts between the companies. Due to these failures, the introduction of digital currency was not more than a fantasy. There was a major issue of double-spending. The solution was any third party, a server that could keep the record of all the transactions.

In 2009, A group of expert programmers launched Bitcoin. The programmer satoshi called it a centralized cash system. That does not require any back end serves or controlling authority to operate. Bit coin has its own ledger to record the transactions The ledger is accessible by every individual to see its spending details.
Every single transaction is considered as a file that contains the address of the sender and recipient and the amount that has been transferred. The transaction is signed off by its sender. Even if the transaction is broadcasted still it requires confirmation.
Shopping with cryptocurrency
The use of the cryptocurrency is not encouraged as there are limited number of merchants who accept the bitcoin. Now the situation is different. The merchants are available both offline and online to accept the bitcoin. These merchants are available in every range, that include bars, local shops, restaurants etc. That means one can buy food, jeweler, and pay college fees. Other currencies that include Bitcoin, Ethereum are also in business, but these are not getting as much fame as bitcoin. Moreover, their websites that can accept more than 15 types of cryptocurrencies.
Bitcoin brings several benefits, that include the option of investment. Some people become millionaires overnight by investing in bitcoin. As it is the most used digital currency these days. That is the reason for a sudden rise in its value. Like BTC was sold at 800$ and its price was raised to $7000 in November 2017.
The second most highly recognized currency is Ethereum. After 2016 the value of Ethereum has been raised to 2600%. Almost every electric currency is rising with the passage of time and peoples are getting the full advantage. The cryptocurrencies also bring risk for the investors. As the amount of these currencies get changes. The currency is not yet regulated. Therefore, it could be banned due to any Government decision.

Mine is the important part of the digital currency . Mining is also an investment. The miners are offering bookkeeping services to their communities. They have major contributions to solving complex puzzles. That is compulsory to perform a transaction and its recording. Mining puzzles are a bit hard and its difficulty gets increasing with the number of solvers. People got lucky by investing in the bitcoins and got huge amounts within a short time.
Ending Notes
Bitcoin has made people millionaires and it has become the widely used electronic currency across. There are other digital currencies in the market like Ethereum and Ripple. Both of these currencies do not get that much fame as the bitcoin got. These two currencies will get recognition with time. Cryptocurrency helps people to earn a huge amount. On the other side, the investment can also be risky as the amount gets fluctuates suddenly. Therefore, the public should invest after doing deep research.
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