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AIOU Assignment BEd 1.5 Year 8616 School Administration and Supervision Assignment 1

AIOU Assignment BEd 1.5 Year 8616 School Administration and Supervision Assignment 1

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AIOU Assignment BEd 1.5 Year 2.5 Year 8616 School Administration and Supervision Assignment 1 BEd MEd Assignment

Q.1 Define administration and school administration. Elaborate different levels of administration
with reference to an educational institution?

Educational administration is the study and practice of managing the resources, tasks and communications involved in running a school. The goal of the administrator is to keep the school’s overall process flowing smoothly, making decisions that facilitate successful education. The administrator identifies and articulates a school’s mission and goals and makes them happen by implementing programs, delegating tasks and allocating resources.

Meaning of Educational Administration

Educational Administration is a discipline within the study of education that examines the administrative theory and practice of education in general and educational institutions and educators in particular. The field ideally distinguishes itself from administration and management through its adherence to guiding principles of educational philosophy.

The concept of educational administration may not be totally different from what we are familiar with in the concept of administration. Education at different levels has its objectives, the most important of the objectives that cut across all the levels of education is teaching and learning. It is the function of the school to produce educated and enlightened human beings who would be able to contribute positively to the development of the society. This formed the opinion of Olaniyi (2000) who describes school as a social institution which does not exist in a vacuum. He said further that a school is a micro-community, existing within a macro community to mould the habits, interest, attitudes and feelings of children and transmit from one generation to another. The school also comprises certain personnel i.e. teaching and non-teaching staff as well as the students. These human resources in the school work with some materials, such as instructional materials, equipment, and financial resources in order to achieve the objectives of the school.

Administration is very germane to the realization of the school?s objectives ? indeed, the success of the school system depends largely on the administration of the school it handled.

The teachers, students, non-teaching staff and resources must be efficiently arranged, monitored and
controlled, so that they would work harmoniously according to (educational plan). Even the National
Policy on Education emphasizes the success of the entire educational system on proper planning, efficient administration and adequate funding. School administration is the process by which principles, methods and practices of administration are applied in educational institutions to establish, maintain and develop such institutions in line with the goals of the institutions. Akinwumi & Jayeoba (2004) define school administration as the scientific organization of human and material resources and programs available for education and using them systematically and meticulously to achieve educational goals. Basically, educational administration implies the arrangement of the human and material resources and program available for education and carefully using them systematically for the achievement of educational objectives.

Thus educational administrator, whether in the ministry of education, the schools board, or in a school is essentially theÿorganizer, the implementer of plans, policies and program meant for achieving specific educational objectives. The educational administrator may contribute, one way or the other, in planning, policy?making and program designing, yet his major role rests with the effective and efficient implementation of such plans, policies and program for the benefit of education. Viewed from this angle, educational administration is concerned with organization and implementation ? it may be categorized under broad areas of:

Planning and Policy


Although such a categorization is essentially arbitrary and broad and these aspects of management are closely tied, inseparable and inductive, it is possible to separate the functions of administration from that of planning and policy?making in education. For example the administrator is concerned with formulating general plans and policies for education.

Different levels of administration with reference to an educational institution
Within Time Click there are several different levels of administration that allow you to spread the work of administering TimeClick across different departments. Note that all three levels of administration are accessible with a unique administrative password. Having multiple admin users makes it easier to split the work among others and ensures the proper tasks are assigned to the appropriate administrator.

Each of the three administration modes can be open on any of the TimeClick computers by clicking the administration button, choosing the administration mode you would like to enter and then typing the password.

The first option is the main administration mode. This administrator will have access to everything in
the time tracking system. This is where you will add and edit employees? records, modify times, view
reports, set preferences, and manage your accruals.

Next, you have the Level 2 ? Restricted Administration mode. This will allow anyone with the appropriate password to view reports and/or modify times if the main administrator allows them to do
so. By default, the Level 2 administration is only able to view reports in Time Click. You can, however, allow them to modify times by going into the main administration mode, selecting preferences then password and misc controls and then check the box that reads allow level 2 and department supervisors to modify times.

Last, there is a Department Supervisor administration level. Again, like a level 2 administration you can allow department heads the ability to just run reports or to modify times as well. In order to allow a department supervisor these administrative capabilities, you will first need to create the department,
and then set them up as a department supervisor in the administration mode under Departments. After
you've assigned an employee to be a department supervisor they will be able to access reports and modify times for employees listed within their department. The department supervisor(s) will be able to use their employee password to log in to this restricted area.

Q.2 What are the school head?s responsibilities as an administrator? Visit any Secondary School and with the consultation of head teacher prepare a list of school records maintained in a school?

Today, education has never been more important. The time is now to place leaders into schools districts that are passionate about children and the education they receive. School administrators embrace the extremely important role of ensuring the system is operating effectively and efficiently. Those placed in administration roles, such as a principal, dean, or head master; demonstrate a high level of excellent in every realm within education.

Common roles of administrators are to ensure all schools, teachers, counselors, are collaborating towards a common goal while improving standards and opportunities. Together, with proper leadership, school systems can meet goals set forth by school boards and foster students that are highly educated and prepared for their futures.

Administration has exciting leadership opportunities, which often play large roles in forming curriculums, goals, budgets, timelines, state regulations, mandated testing, as well as performance measures to ensure all educators are able to meet personal and professional goals. Together, administrators and faculty will carve a path to success for all.

Successful administrators form distinguished teams to support the goals and aspirations of students. With the assistance of vice principles, goals can be further achieved with greater outcome and acceptance.

Administrators often learn techniques to relate to children of all ages, of all backgrounds. Having the capability to relate to children is not only essential to administrators, but also vital to the overall success of school districts and standardized testing. School districts must regulate per guidelines set forth at local, state and federal levels. Administrators must remain active in continuing education programs, often returning to leadership programs such as a doctoral degree. A master?s degree is generally earned prior to entering an administrators role but this depends greatly on the school district and demand for administrators.

Administrators are leaders who take pride in their strategic planning, tremendous support in every sector, respect for the education system, including faculty, students, parents, and school board members. Often admin professionals are managing multiple situations at once and unlike teachers, work year round.

Duties of an administrator are commonly budgets and proper allocation of funds to produce outstanding scholars to reach their highest potential.

Educational Administration:

As we know the very fact that educational administration needs integration and co-ordination of all the physical and human resources and educational elements. Besides this it requires a great efficiency with it based on human sympathy, understanding, knowledge and skill. The physical resources mainly contribute building equipment?s and instructional materials.

The human resources include pupils, teachers, supervisors, administrators and parents. The additional
elements comprise the various aspects of educational theory and practice including philosophy of education, objectives of education, curriculum, method of teaching, discipline, role of the teacher, rules and regulations etc.

These elements are ?parts, made into whole? and are components brought into harmonious relationship. So the purpose of doing such vital task is to fulfill different purposes which are known as the objectives of educational administration.

These are:

a.To provide proper education to students:
This objective seeks to mention the fact that good education doesn?t mean education at a very high cost as is practiced in modern public schools. Rather it means the right type of education from the right type of teachers within reasonable cost. This objective also implies quantitative expansion and qualitative improvement of education.

b. To Ensure Adequate Utilization Of All Resources:
For adequate realization of the various purposes of educational programme there is the need of ensuring adequate utilization of all available resources-human, material and financial.

c. To Ensure Professional Ethics And Professional Development Among Teachers:
As teachers are the senior and mature human elements to accelerate the programme in time their role
is highly felt in this regard. They are to be encouraged and given the facility to devise and try out innovative ideas on instruction and to participate in service education programmes. In this context, it
can be visualized that educational administration should aim at developing a desire for hard work, dedication and commitment for their job among teachers.

d.  To organize educational programmes for acquainting students with the art of democratic living and
giving them excellent training in democratic citizenship.

e. To mobilize the community:
Like general administration, educational administration seeks to maintain and improve the relations with the community. For this it should seek community support and co-operation for quantitative expansion, qualitative improvements, smooth and fair examination in the educational system.

f. To organize co-curricular activities effectively for developing talents of students and work efficiency of educational teachers.

g. To get the work done:
The most important objective of administration is to get the work done effectively, efficiently and with satisfaction to the individuals and benefits to the society.

h. To prepare students for taking their places in various vocations and avenues of life.

i. To train the students in developing scientific attitude and objective outlook among them towards all aspects and activities of life.

j. To ensure qualitative improvement of education:
Good education can be provided to students by bringing qualitative improvement in instruction. Regular supervision of teaching and guidance of teachers help to ensure quality teaching in schools.


  1. Q.3 How performance appraisal is useful in evaluation? Discuss its techniques.


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